On being present


I want to chat about something that has weighed very heavy on me recently. And I am totally going to call myself out on it FIRST! We live in a now now now time. We have instant access to photos, news, each other, everything and nearly anything you can get pretty much immediately. It’s amazing except when it isn’t. I myself was so guilty of being behind my phone SO much! Constantly taking the next image to Instagram or Facebook, text to my husband or email to my grandparents. It got to the point I would scroll through my phone at night and not remember actually WHAT we were doing then because I was so consumed with documenting it, I totally neglected to be PRESENT in it. I see it everywhere, phone’s right up taking 100 pictures a day (we won’t talk about how many of them are eh quality) and the person taking them is so oblivious to WHAT is going on.

I’ve been working on this for a few weeks and maybe you’ve noticed if you follow me on social media. I have stopped taking a ton of pictures, because let’s be honest what am I going to do with them(especially the blurry/grainy/poorly lit ones) and decided to just be in them. We spent all weekend outside, between the beach and backyard and pool, I think I have two pictures maybe? BUT I was there and played with my kids, and talked to my siblings, and conversed with friends.

I’d really encourage you to try it. If you look at your social media and realize you are sharing 3+ pictures A DAY everyday, just take a break. See if you actually are being present or just documenting it! If at the end of the day you have a ton of likes and handful of comments but can’t for the life of you remember what was being said then…I promise you will feel far more fulfilled being present in someone’s life then being the documenter of your meals 😉

AND if you are totally happy maxing out your 128GB iphone within six months then here’s a picture of Pierson looking a little too grown up for me. Happy Monday! 😉



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