Me & You


It is hard to believe that four years ago today, I stood on the Ocean View Fishing Pier beach with sweat running down my back and told Kenny in front of our family, friends and God that I would love him until death and after that I’d love him wherever our souls would go. As long as they would go together, I’d never be scared. We said I do three weeks after I graduated from ODU(GO MONARCHS!), talk about a whirlwind last semester! I remember when we first started looking for venues and Kenny swore it would be a cold day before he got married in Norfolk, but I won. 😉

Kenny in four years of marriage and eight years of being together you have shown me a love I really thought only happened in movies. You have been the the perfect balance to my type A, OCD, control freak personality. You have made me stop, put the dishes down and head to the beach for some relaxation before I stress myself to the grave. You are strong, quiet, hilarious, caring, thoughtful, and a beyond amazing Daddy to our little dude. This next year will be our biggest adventure as we move out of our first home and find a home to complete our family in. I want to make sure that everyone knows you are everything and more to me. My hearts match who has accepted me for being incomplete and loved me on my darkest and ugliest days. I am forever grateful for the life and love you have given me and will always do my best to somehow repay you. I love you most.


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