Couples Giveaway


On Wednesday I shared about my mentoring with Justin and Mary. They encouraged me to shoot for MYSELF. What inspires me and to make me fall in love with photography. Sometimes, I have a hard time saying no. I set certain days aside each month to shoot. It’s important to me that because of Kenny’s schedule and him only having every third weekend off, that I set time aside for us to be a family unit too! So, those days book up FAST. And then I cram more people in because I loathe disappointing people!!! So, I become slightly overwhelmed and it’s all my fault. It in no way is my clients fault!! I just love shooting and love giving gorgeous images to people!

All this to say, I need to shoot for myself occasionally to fan that fire! To keep it going when my tank is feeling pretty low!

So, I am GIVING away THREE couples sessions!!! These are for dating, engaged, married, etc. DOES NOT matter where you are in your relationship! There are a few rules though:

1. You MUST be comfortable in front of the camera. I’ll be trying some new things shooting wise and so it’s important that you are somewhat comfy in front of my lens.

2. You must be willing to wear something I OK. Again, I am going for specific looks here and if you want the images for free, buying an outfit in exchange and having your hair and makeup done isn’t a bad trade!

3. You have to be available during the weekday. These shoots will take place in May and June during the weekday evening hours in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake or Norfolk.

4. If you can wear a wedding dress, SEND ME THAT PICTURE. I would love for one of these to be a “bride and groom” session!

Interested? It’s so easy to be considered! Please send me a picture of you AND your partner to erikamillsphotography at gmail dot com (have to do it that way to avoid the spam bots!!) with “COUPLES GIVEAWAY” in the subject line. Make sure to include your contact information too!

I’ll be sorting through entries until April 15!



  1. Lindsay Adams says:

    Brad and I are totally down!! Let me know! I also still have my wedding dress

  2. Diane Henderson says:

    Aghhh I can’t believe I’m even volunteering Josh and I!!! But why not!!?? We have no pictures together professionally except from our wedding 15 years ago! Again, why not!!?? I don’t even know if I have pics of us together to send, I’m always behind taking pics of the boys:)

the list

don't worry I won't spam you

Tips for wedding planning, engagement pictures, portrait sessions and more!