Let It Be


I’m a girl who loves her quotes. I save, pin, scribble, snapshot them anywhere. I reread them, IG them, post them, print them and hang them in my home. I just love inspirational words. A friend sent me this one Sunday morning….
You see, Saturday I was a peach. I wrote a comment in jest on another photogs friend picture. I commented how cute she looks and how I just cannot pull that style off and called MYSELF an OV hoodrat. Yep, in jest a funny to me word. Nearly instantly, I got such a hateful email from a woman who named her self Andrea P. Beasley(I’ve come to find out that name, the email she sent it from, and the phone number she left were fakes). I’m sharing her email below:

Name:: Andrea P.

Email:: apbeasely@virginiapilot.com

Phone Number: : 7579623431

How Did You Find Me?: : Instagram

Questions? Comments? Anything else you want to tell me?: Was just on one of my favorite IG accounts and was disappointed to read how you associated wearing a beanie to being an “Oceanview Hoodrat”

I grew up in OV, raised my wonderful children here and am a prominent figure in the HR community. Shame on you for being so pretentious. I will spread the world to my associates and staff about your snarky remark and being a business owner, you should remember that word travels fast.

All the Omnidrops in the world wont make you a better person. You are rude, distasteful and lacking class. I feel for your husband and children.

Dont bother to reply. Save your time.

This email instantly infuriated me. I mean, I read it multiple times trying to understand how calling MYSELF a name this woman took it to heart and thought I was calling all beanie wearers a hoodrat? I could have told her my husband is a firefighter in Oceanview, I got married on the beach in Oceanview, my clients work in Oceanview but I didn’t. Typing this out I actually feel silly because she blew it so out of context. I could sit here and defend myself up and down, but I realized after stepping back I DON’T HAVE TO. That’s powerful right there. Realizing who you are and owning it means way more to then firing back an email to someone who has no clue who I am(plus her email account is fake!). I know that I am nowhere near those nasty words she called me. Instead, I completely pitied this woman who reached out and attacked a stranger. She was weak, mean, a bully and I imagine does this frequently. Maybe no one writes back? Maybe no one stands up to her? Maybe she is in a dark place and needs someone to pray for her?

I shared these on my social media, and here now, to let you know it happens. It doesn’t matter if online someone looks like they have it all together. I am a person. I have horrible days, I stumble and fall, I pick myself up. I do things I cringe at when I think back. I say things I don’t mean and let my mouth get ahead of my brain. I apologize to myself, the woman in the mirror I am trying to be everyday, and work harder the next.

In the end, there will be people who just don’t like you. You just have to let it be, because I like me and that’s what counts when my head hits the pillow.



  1. PERFECTLY SAID! You, girl, are one heck of a peach!

  2. I LOVE YOU!! Who cares about all the people that have so much hate in their hearts!!!

    You did the right thing by not responding. I hope this person reads this and all the comments on IG and see’s she’s the sad one.

    Stay strong girl!

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